Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hari Pertama Kat Hospital

Pada tanggal 15 Apr 2009, seperti yg dirancang, aku telah dgn seberapa selamba yg boleh "checked in" dekat Hospital Pakar Ampang Puteri utk operation tu. Oleh kerana dah bersedia secara mental dan fizikal, aku ingat aku tidak akan menghadapi masalah pada malam pertama. Semuanya telah diatur dgn baik. Segala keperluan telah tersusun elok. Aku hanya menunggu hari esok, sememangnya dgn debaran. Kepala otak aku tidak lekang ligat berpusing, cuba mensimulasi apa yang akan berlaku. Bermula dari detik aku disuruh menukar kpd pakaian pesakit, kepada waktu disorong ke bilik bedah, suasana dlm bilik bedah, wajah2 doktor dlm OT, saat dibius, saat mula sedar dari pembedahan, kesakitan yang biasanya dialami pasca pembedahan, tempoh pemulihan sehingalah kepada hari terakhir aku di hospital. Banyak gambaran yg dimainkan oleh fikiran aku sebenarnya dipengaruhi oleh apa yang pernah aku dengar, lihat, tonton dan baca dari byk sumber. Agak mengejutkan juga kerana kemudiannya aku dapati apa yang aku bayangkan pada malam itu hampir sama sahaja dengan peristiwa sebenarnya, cuma part kesakitan tu jer yg terlebih...

Sebelum tidur, sempat juga aku berkenalan dan bersembang dgn roomate aku pertama (dari 9 Org sepanjang 31 hari tinggal di wad) bernama En Amran yg ditahan di wad kerana masalah diabetis. Alhamdulillah, setelah tiga hari dirawat, dia kemudiannya dibenarkan keluar. Setelah masing2 penat,kami mula beransur hendak tidur. Ketika itu, aku terdengar ketukan lembut di pintu. Kemudian datang seorang jururawat ke arah katil aku sambil tangannya memegang sesuatu. Sambil menarik tempat meletak makanan utk katil aku, dia meletakkan satu plat plastik yg berwarna oren dan tulisannya yg agak besar. Tulisan itu aku baca,

"Patient Administered Nil by Mouth"

Tetiba jer semangat aku rasa lemah giler memikirkan apa yg menanti hari esok.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Sentimental Visit to Mache

Three weeks ago, I have went back to Mache with my mother on a special occasion. It was my last visit before I undergo my ACL Reconstruction Surgery. At this point, I kept it a close guarded secret to all but a few. After piling n stuffing all decorative lights and fans that we have bought earlier in the car boot, we left KL for Mache missing one person from the manifest, i.e my elder brother, being his usual self, has pull out from the journey.

The journey back to Mache was an important one. My house is now completed (awaiting CCC) and I have planned few weeks back to perform my own inspection on it, and to install all lightings and fans and etc etc within that short day off. My annual leave is very tight considering my so many things to do all year round plans. So I cannot affort any delay to complete the task. Plus, with my brother's wedding approaching, all must be done within that 5 days leave. At all cost I must say.Or havoc break loose.

We all were in a jovial mood. With the help of my sisters family and cousins, we washed the house, getting prices from few acquaintanced wiremans, shopped some other stuffs as my car boot only can capasitate so much, fixed the water engine, installed the lamps, fans, curtain holder etc. It's good not to buy all items in KL as later, I learned that not all electrical stuffs were cheaper in KL. After all those bits of balancing act, the house finally perfectly lighted and equipped. Ready to be occupied.

However, I did not have enough time to see how beautiful the house is at night as that afternoon, we left for KL. There was still some minor touch up to be done. Hopefully, my other siblings will take care of that. My cuti-cuti was up so fast as a day later, I checked my self up at Ampang Puteri for my knee operation.

I pray for all the best to my self, the house and the wedding ceremony. If nothing goes wrong, I will be well enough to be there when the time come.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life Goes On...

It has been a while since my last input. For the past few weeks, I have been busy living my life, doing what I wanted and tasting every hell of the time that I have. Lets just see what the 10 things I have done over the past weeks :

1. I have consulted a lawyer to push for a progression to my under-construction house in Machang. Good thing that I was told my house was completed within a week of summoning the contractor with the legal notice.
2. I have purchased my holiday tickets for two. According to our plan, my friend and I will leave for Gold Coast, Brisbane this coming Dec. Alhamdulillah that the tickets was bought just in time before the price somehow skyrocketing. I had a hunch that night that I need to settle it as soon as possible or suffer a setback. It was on a very rare occasion that my gut was making the right decision. After much struggle and ado, I finally nailed the best price on the card. Bravo.
3. I took 3 days leave, purposely to go back to Kelantan. But somehow the plan had stalled midway but somehow my leave continued. I did plan to go back to the office but all of the sudden, my wild heart sets in. So I decided to spend half of each day sleeping while planning what to do next. It sometime struck me how adventurous I can be at times.
4. I have advise and help my brother to refinance his house, taking full advantage of the current very low loan cap.
5. I have lend my bag to my sister and she went to the Genting Highland with a bunch of her friends only to find out the one of them was later possessed and went hysterical.
6. I have make my hair like a rekrut. This will take 4 months to regrow.
7. I have submitted a complaint letter to the Management office for charging unscrupulous hourly fee when the resident book the badminton court. I have also at the same time extended my parking rental period for another 3 months.
8. I went to see the dentist for my monthly check up. During the process, Dr Ariffin accidentally pulled off one of my front bracket. He has repaired it by installing the new one, humming his favorite song during the process. I was also humming in pain to my gum. But I must say, he is a great doctor.
9. I met Datuk Misbun Sidek at Tawakal Hospital last Saturday. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Later, I learned that he has won the Anugerah Jurulatih Negara 2008 for his contribution to the country last year, notably the Beijing Olympic Silver medal achievement thru his prodigy, Datuk Lee Chong Wei.
10. My Sister in Law gave me a gift, a blue Blackberry. It is not from the latest models but it is good enough for me. Very convenient for texting. I am feeling like a speed master again.

OK la...Life is like that. If you open your eyes, you will see more. If you open your heart, you will taste more. So be nice and be grateful.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Brand New Panasonic Batteries
Perfect for Digital Camera
Original. Normal price is RM 39 for 2 batteries
Offer RM 62 for 4 batteries.RM 33 for 2 batteries.Inclusive courier
Deliver to your door step.Buy more get more savings.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Piknik Gunung Tebu

Best betul piknik kat Gunung Tebu tempoh hari. Mmg dah lama sangat tak mandi sungai.Last kalau tak silap aku masa form three, ketika tu aku ngan classmate pegi mandi sungai masa bulan posa...Sungai dulu kat Bukit Bakar takder la best mana berbanding dgn yg ni.

Tp kali ni lain sikit. Area kat Lata Belatan ni mmg bersih dan dijaga dgn baik. Kemudahan yg ada pun masih berfungsi dgn baik. Malah sesapa yg rasa nak spend bermalam kat ctu pun boleh. Bayar Rm 4 utk daftar pastu boleh la pasang khemah. Kalau tak ada khemah, boleh sewa...

Cuma kena berhati2 la sikit, sbb menurut org kat situ ada perkampungan orang Bunian...


Friday, January 30, 2009

99 Ways To Love

Got to learn some from here...

1. Hug them.
2. Write a love note.
3. Call them at work just to say "Hi."
4. Give them a foot massage.
5. Tell them a joke.
6. Caress them with slow gentle strokes.
7. Go for a walk with them.
8. Send them a "happy gram."
9. Admit your mistakes.
10. Say: "I love you."
11. Indulge a whim.
12. Listen to them talk about an interest of theirs.
13. Be trustworthy.
14. Instead of complaining, tell them what you would prefer.
15. Look at them when you're in a discussion.
16. Send flowers.
17. Compliment something they did.
18. Offer to help.
19. Ask them to show you how to do something.
20. Call when you are going to be late..
21. Take them out to dinner.
22. Write them a poem about how special they are.
23. Cut out a cartoon they'll enjoy.
24. Ask them what they'd like sexually.
25. Go shopping together.
26. Take an afternoon drive.
27. Cuddle.
28. Put your arm around them in front of others.
29. Take them out on a surprise date.
30. Do something they want to do.
31. Listen.
32. Plan a candle light dinner.
33. Look at old photos together.
34. Serve them breakfast in bed.
35. Hold hands.
36. Share sexual fantasies.
37. Do a work project together.
38. Rub their back.
39. Take a shower together.
40. Carry their photo in your wallet.
41. Go away together for a weekend holiday.
42. Kiss them.
43. Smile more when you look at them.
44. Go for a bicycle ride together.
45. Surprise them with "special" attire.
46. Plan a picnic lunch.
47. Read something together about how to have a better relationship.
48. Repeat what they say before answering.
49. Say "Good morning" first.
50. Ask if they have a few minutes first before interrupting.
51. Send them a card.
52. Surprise them with a gift when it's a non-holiday.
53. Cook them a favorite meal.
54. Try a new restaurant.
55. Ask them how they feel.
56. Let them know when you are proud of them.
57. Ask for their opinion.
58. Turn on some romantic music.
59. Dedicate a song to them.
60. Send them a balloon bouquet.
61. Watch a sunset together.
62. Play a game together.
63. Have them teach you something they know.
64. Tell them they have the night off.
65. Go to a movie they select.
66. Ask them for a hug.
67. Wear some new cologne.
68. Discuss future plans with them.
69. Ask if you can help when they look sad.
70. Ask them about their dreams.
71. Meet them for lunch..
72. Enlarge a scenic photo of a place you've shared..
73. Give them a gift certificate for their favorite store.
74. Tell them what you like about them.
75. Buy them a new perfume.
76. Take them to a scenic spot.
77. Send them a gourmet gift basket.
78. Send them a joke card.
79. Let them know when you've thought of them during the day.
80. Buy them a toy.
81. Compliment them to their friends.
82. Bring them a thirst quenching drink.
83. Tell them when they look attractive.
84. Send them a post card.
85. Invite them to a secret rendezvous.
86. Give them a massage.
87. Take a lesson with them.
88. Look at photos together of when you met.
89. Plan a vacation with them.
90. Listen openly to their opposing opinion.
91. Buy them a new piece of jewelry.
92. Watch a TV show they like with them
93. Write them a letter.
94. Listen to music with them, such as an old favorite.
95. Whisper sweet nothings in their ear.
96. Tell them what you like that they do.
97. Give a head massage.
98. Invite them to a concert.
99. Let them know you care.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Daud dan Rumah Sebiji

Balik kali ni aku plan nak pegi jupe Daud, kontraktor yg buat rumah aku. Sebelum call dia, aku call Pa dulu. Pa ni adalah mandor yg bertangungjwb utk memastikan projek tu selesai. Dari perbualan, tahu la aku rupa2nya Daud dan Pa sudah tak sebulu.

"Byk masalah...tawar ati doh ambo"

"Kalu buleh, ambo tok sir doh terlibat, ambo mintok maaf"

Panas jugak telinga aku dengar statement tu...aku yg melabur ratusan ribu ringgit, tetiba kerana 2 org putera raja ni bergaduh, abis rumah yg aku beli tu tak siap2 lagi...

Syukur la, nasib baik la dah 97% siap...kalau tidak menangis tak berlagu la jawabnya. Mujur jugak aku dah modified S&P dulu, tidak membenarkan mereka buat drawdown utk stage 85%. Kalau tidak, duit habis rumah tak siap2 jugak...

Al kisahnya rumah tu tak la payah sangat nak siap...cuma silap aku tak terperasan ada satu barisan ayat yg memberikan kebebasan kpd pemaju rumah utk amik masa 3 tahun max utk siapkan sebiji rumah...So, dalam 3 tahun itu macam2 pulak bala yg berlaku. Bisness Daud terpecah 2 sbb ada masalah dalaman, dia kahwin sorang lagi, harga besi melambung naik, isu status tanah, pekerja lari, rumah kena pecah sbb ada org mencuri dekat tapak pembinaan etc etc. So dari sebuah syarikat yg berkemampuan menyiapkan 19 projek sebelum ini, syarikat dia telah bertukar menjadi sebuah syarikat yg tidak ada modal. Ibarat nyawa2 ikan. Secara kebetulan pulak, rumah aku adalah rumah yg terakhir dibina oleh syarikat itu dizaman kegemilangannya.

Menurut Pa, bisness Daud mmg sangat kritikal. Dia terpaksa berhutang dan menjual keretanya demi menjamin kelangsungan projeknya. Dia menjadi customer kpd Along, terpaksa berhutang dengan semua orang yg dikenalinya hanya untuk menjelaskan hutang-piutangnya yg lain. Sampaikan, diberitakan Daud mmg beberapa kali jatuh sakit, sakit yg teruk kerana bebanan hutang dan kerugian dlm perniagaannya. Pa beberapa kali mendakwa bayaran kerja yg dilakukannya masih tidak dilunaskan kerana dek kerana kesempitan itu.

Kecian mmg la kecian. Tapi aku tidak sepatutnya menjadi mangsa keadaan. Daud ni mmg peramah orangnya. Cakap mmg lembut dan dulunya mmg rendah diri. Usianya yg menjangkau hampir 70 tahun mmg menjadikan aku byk kali terpaksa mengawal kemarahan aku ketika berurusan dgn nya. Bimbang jugak aku, nanti rebah pulak Daud jika aku mengasaknya secara berterusan. Kalau hendak dikutkan, mmg la aku marah. Sbb kelambatan itu, aku mmg rugi byk masa dan wang. Kerana masalah Daud dengan pekerjanya, kualiti binaan rumah aku menjadi mangsa. Di samping itu, kerana lambatnya kerja yg dilakukan, aku menjadi cukup hangin melihatkan setiap janji yg di berikan bagaikan tiada langsung nilainya.

Hari ini, aku sempat bercakap dgn Daud. Seperti biasa, dia semacam memberikan segala janji yg boleh ditawarkan kepada aku. Hari ini, dia berjanji utk datang dan berbincang dengan aku pagi Sabtu nanti. Dia berjanji dgn sepenuh hati, rumah itu akan di siapkan sebelum 1 hb Mac nanti. Aku mmg tiada pilihan. Jika Daud tidak memenuhi janjinya pada kali ini, aku mungkin tidak akan dapat berdiplomasi lagi.
Aku terpaksa masuk ke plan B. Plan yg akan menambahkan masalah kepada hidup Daud.

Heran sungguh, org yg baik boleh bertukar menjadi org yg suka berbelit2 hanya kerana duit...Mungkin kali ini Daud betul2 berniat utk memenuhi janjinya...Dengan segala masalah yg dihadapinya, dia berhak mendapat peluang ke-10nya kali ni. Ihsan dari aku.

Hmmm...apala hikmah nyer klu aku bersabar dgn org tua ini...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Mcm biasa, semasa tgh drive dari Sentul ke rumah aku kat Desa Pandan beberapa hari yg lalu, tangan aku ligat menekan2 radio dlm keta…Kadang kadang aku up kan bass, aku usik treble, balance, kekadang aku tukar channel atau aku pulas volume sampai nam belas. Kekadang aku main pula cross over..saja nak bagi sound balance kiri kanan depan belakang, nak sedapkan bunyi ikut lagu apa yg tengah dimainkan. Tetiba…jeng…jeng…jeng, aku terdengar satu suara dari siaran radio tu…suara tu datang dari Stesen Sinar FM, DJ Abby Fana tu kata petang nanti akan ada sesuatu yg menarik untuk kita semua saksikan…akan ada fenomena yg jarang2 kali berlaku iaitu fenomena Gerhana Matahari Separa…Heran jugak aku kenapa aku tak tahu pasal perkara tu. Setelah pikir punya pikir baru aku tahu, aku bangkit dekat2 pukul 12.00 thg hari tu dan tak baca any paper atau tgk berita mlm sebelumnya..Mana la nak tahu kalaupun ada berita sensasi hari tu.

Seingat aku, last time yg aku tengok gerhana yg mmg berlaku kat Malaysia ni ialah pada 1996 dekat hujung2 tahun. Masa tu aku tengah ada jamuan kelas akhir tahun semasa Form 5. Ingat lagi, selepas makan tu, dlm pukul 12.30 tgh lebih kurang, aku dah tercegat depan TV kat rumah menyaksikan siaran langsung fenomena Gerhana Matahari Penuh yg dapat disaksikan dekat satu tempat di Sabah. Masa tu RTM siap buat ‘live telecast’ lagi. Takjub sungguh aku masa tu melihatkan suasana tengah hari bertukar menjadi gelap gelita mcm malam hari kat Sabah tu. Ada la dlm 15 minit jugak sebelum suasana jadi cerah balik. Memang takjub. Mcm2 bermain kat kepala aku waktu tu. Agak2 nyer apa jadi pada org2 zaman dulu kalau melihat kpd fenomena mcm ni? Mesti ada yg akan sembah mana 2 ahli sihir yg mengaku menutup matahari sekejap waktu tu. Apa jadi pada burung2 atau ayam2 atau kucing2 atau binatang2 lain yg duduk kat situ, tak blur ke mereka dan keluarga mereka tgk tetiba hari siang bertukar malam.Kalau kat Europe lain la kot, binatang kat situ dah biasa dgn hari siang yg pendek atau sebaliknya.

So selepas mendengar berita itu dan setelah aku mengesahkan perkara terbabit dengan beberapa org kengkawan yg aku rasa boleh diharap, aku mmg decide nak tengok gerhana matahari tu. Aku juga plan nak amik gambar gerhana tu mengunakan kamera yang aku baru beli. So, selepas membatalkan hasrat untuk ke ANGKASA (bukan angkasa lepas kay, ini pejabat kementerian sains dekat pusat sains negara tu) sbb terpaksa menghantar emak dan kakak aku shopping kat Jalan TAR, aku cepat2 mengambil tempat dan bersedia dgn kamera Nikon D200 baru aku. Niat hati mmg nak amik gambar tapi tak tau la dapat ke tidak. Walaupun kalau kita refer kat mana2 manual kamera DSLR, dia mmg melarang kita mengacukan kamera directly ke arah sinaran matahari, tapi aku mmg tak der choice. Kalau nak amik gambar, mmg macam tu la kena buat. So aku buat juga la. Dalam hati ada gak harap jangan la kamera aku ni rosak plak. Aku sempat jugak amik beberapa belas keping gambar sambil memejam mata sbb silau sgt. Setting kamera tu plak terpaksa dibuat sebegitu rupa supaya gambar tu jadi gelap. Aku pulas shutter speed kpd 1/8000 sesaat, aperture aku letak max 22 (ni paling kecik la ni lens aku boleh buat), ISO letak paling low pada 100 dan aku terpaksa compensate exposure kpd -5.00. Hasilnya, dapat la tgk gambar matahari dan kesan gerhana walaupun berpinar jugak la mata aku nak amik semua gambar tu.

Anyway, gambar tu tak la penting sangat.Yg penting ialah pengajaran yg kita patut lihat di sebalik peristiwa gerhana ini. Ia menunjukkan betapa lemahnya kita berbanding dengan kuasa Allah SWT. Mcmmana kalau Allah SWT memutuskan untuk menjadikan gerhana itu kekal semacam itu. Adakah kita akan mampu untuk mengubah ketentuan itu? Di sebalik kekuatan dan kemajuan kita, kita sebenarnya mmg lemah dan bergantung harap kpd belas ihsan alam yg berada di bawah kekuasaan Allah, Tuhan Yg Maha Esa. Mcm mana dengan kelemahan sebegitu rupa kita masih lagi memilih untuk bersikap sombong dan tidak bersyukur dgn apa yg kita dpt.